Tennis Racquet Collecting

by rod on January 25, 2011

Since we began our journey to present the history of tennis through a website, a world of fellow collectors & historians has become apparent, all with the common interest of preserving and telling the story of tennis and its development through the years.

Recently we received some photos from USA collector David.

Now this 7000+ collection of racquets from around the world must surely be the largest, although we know of half a dozen collectors in Australia with over a 1000. Themes in the collection vary by country to Hall of fame players, plus there are many unusual racquets as well, plus an array of retail display racquets, POS, balls and other memorabilia.

To my surprise, David is married.  I say surprised only because of my own wife’s (nonplussed) reaction to my modest collection which is in one room only, so I am in awe of David’s negotiation and home management skills.

The effort and cost in developing this fine collection is enormous and we thank David for agreeing to share his passion here at

If you have any questions relating to tennis racquets, memorabilia, players etc please contact us.


DF Collection 8


DF Collection 3

DF Collection 2

DF Collection 6

DF Collection 7


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